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My Training

HIIT sessions combine a series of short, intense anaerobic workouts. With each session varying from 5 minutes to 30 minutes, using full body circuits and explosive cardiovascular exercises. While continuing to burn calories after you finish, HIIT is one of the best ways to lose weight and enhance muscle tone and definition. 

30 minutes of a high Intensity workout can be three times more effective than endurance training at burning fat.



- Make treadmills a thing of the past!

High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)
Cardiovascular (CV) Exercise

Essential to an effective training programme, achieved through different running types and drills, and the result of well executed CV training will allow you to perform the same level of exercise more comfortably, or perform exercise at a higher intensity.


Health Benefits of CV Training:

Reduced health risks; Heart disease, Diabetes, stroke, and certain types of Cancer.

Weight management combine with a sensible dietary intake can help to maintain a healthy weight, reducing health risks.

Improve mental health CV exercise can improve mental well-being, Self-esteem, cognitive function, sleep quality and quantity, as well as lowering stress and anxiety levels.

Relating to every component of fitness, with precise techniques and training, body focus works on the areas you want to improve.

For example;

Do you want to build mass, or just tone?

Do you want to increase flexibility, or prepare for specific sporting events?

Body Focus 

Flexibility is a component of fitness which contributes to improved quality of life. By applying PNF, Static and, dynamic stretching to your programme, you can maintain and develop both functional and movement efficiency, decrease the risk of injury and improve posture. 


Core training aims to target the deeper muscle groups that stabilise the spine and pelvis. Training these muscles will improve posture and can reduce waist circumference, making the stomach look more toned. Core also helps with activities of daily life, such as walking and running. 

Flexability and Core

Improve your performance and develop your skills, in a variety of different sports, such as;

Football, Boxing, Athletics, and many more.

Work on strength, speed, agility, power, balance, and coordination, Whilst building up your confidence.


- Strive to be at the top of your game!

Sports Skill and Performance
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